The third Additive Manufacturing Forum, organised by IPM AG, Germany’s Institute for Production Management, will take place in Berlin, Germany, from March 14-15, 2019. The 2018 event was attended by more than 600 participants and over fifty exhibitors, and the organisers state that the 2019 event will again present a user-oriented cross-industry conference programme, supported by the foundation partners Airbus Group, Deutsche Bahn AG, Stratasys GmbH and 3yourmind GmbH and Mobility goes Additive e.V.
The four main topics of the conference will be on new materials, development and design, series production and the additive factory, and AM business models. Among those speakers currently confirmed for the conference are:
- Stefanie Brickwede, Head of AM, Deutsche Bahn & Managing Director, Mobility goes Additive
- Prof Dr Claus Emmelmann, Director, Fraunhofer Institute for Additive Production Technologies IAPT
- Volker Hammes, Managing Director, BASF 3D Printing Solutions GmbH
- Dr Karsten Heuser, Vice President of Additive Manufacturing, Digital Factory Division, Siemens AG
- Wolfgang Kochan, General Manager D-A-CH, Stratasys GmbH
- Stefan Kühr, CEO, 3yourmind GmbH
- Peter Jain, Director of Europe, Desktop Metal
- Tobias Röhrich, CEO, Gefertec GmbH
- Joachim Zettler, CEO, APWorks GmbH
In the accompanying exhibition, a number of AM technology, software, material and service providers will showcase their latest offerings. The forum and exhibition are aimed at both beginners and advanced AM technology users from the aerospace, automotive, railway, mechanical engineering, medical technology and science industries.