This information day is organised in the context of the ongoing implementation of the 5G PPP programme of inter-working and collaborating projects. The event aims to provide necessary information for proposers for the next 5G PPP call – the H2020 ICT-19 call – closing on the 14 November 2018.
The potential ICT-19 projects are strongly encouraged to demonstrate the 5G applicability to vertical use-cases, making use of the 5G end-to-end platforms that have been contracted by the European Commission under the ICT-17 call.
This event is designed to offer ICT-19 proposers with an opportunity to better understand the services offered by the three ICT-17 platform projects and the related inter-working framework (both technical and legal) that they may provide.
The European Commission will present the ICT-19 ambitions, ICT-17 platform projects will be available to answer questions and proponents will have the possibility to network among themselves and make promotional pitches.