Autonomous Vehicles Summit (AV Summit) taking place in Bratislava (Slovakia) is the place where to find digitization of European automotive industry and stimulate closer interconnection bonds and partnerships in new system of ecosystems among automotive industry players.
Target groups of AV Matching
- Car manufacturers
- Producers of car components and OEMs
- Technology bodies, R&D institutions
- Car sharing companies
- Universities/academia
- Governments
- Industrial automotive business
- Investors
- Others interested in autonomous vehicles themes
Themes of AV Matching
- AVs
- AVs safety, testing, cybersecurity
- AVs design
- AVs charging
- Automation and mechatronic system related technologies for Connected and Fully automated AVs
- Smart (electro) mobility innovations
- Energy innovations
- Machine innovations technologies
- Fifth generation networks (5G) providing innovative services such as interconnected cars
- Payment digitalization
- AVs sharing
- Others related
Why to participate in AV Matching
- Present your business proposals, future visions, ideas for product development, technologies and solutions!
- Get your problem solved – matching organisations seeking or offering solutions!
- Learn from experts
- Meet numerous prospective cooperation partners in ONE day and reduce the amount of time and money for finding new partners!
- Get professional support through the Enterprise Europe Network and its experts in the field of internationalisation and international technology transfer.
Matchmaking Event/B2B
Matchmaking/B2B/Brokerage/Matching Event (whichever of those names you choose) is an ideal opportunity to find international partners for technology transfer, business co-operation and collaborative research, in pre-arranged 20 minute meetings in one location. You simply need to register, present yourself, your company, your technology online and select partners of interest to you in advance of the event.