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This Proposers Day is a discussion fora for organisations that are interested to participate in a research project and want to benefit from performing collaborative research through the EURKEA Cluster CELTIC-NEXT.

Participate at this Online Proposers Day and listen to an inspiring keynote on “How to recover the economy after Covid 19, the role of 5G/6G”, learn about funding in your country and exchange about the latest project ideas in an interactive way. Due to Covid 19 the Proposers Day will be held in an online format to provide you a save environment during this challenging times.

We expect that Project Proposals in telecommunications and ICT will be presented.

Please do not hesitate to prepare a pitch presentation to give your new proposal idea the perfect visibility during this online proposers day. Please keep in mind that presentation file(s) must be emailed as soon as possible but at the latest by 16th February 2021 to office@celticnext.eu .

Please have a look at the Draft Agenda

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with presenters from previous Proposers Days to form a project consortium for the next Call for Project Proposals that is open until 12th of April. This CELTIC Spring Call is a perfect opportunity to enable projects in the field of next generation communications for the digital society, contributing to the UN’s sustainable development goals.

We invite you to participate, engage and explore ground breaking opportunities together with the CELTIC-NEXT Cluster.

See Proposal Ideas of previous Proposers Days: https://www.celticnext.eu/project-ideas-from-proposers-days-2/


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