What is EUREKA
EUREKA is a global network of R&D&I funding ministries and innovation agencies from over 45 countries and the European Commission. Its mission consists in enabling businesses and research organisations to innovate with the best partners across the globe
What are EUREKA Clusters
Industry driven public-private partnerships, which build communities and convene projects between SMEs and large industry in specific technology and market areas.
The Eureka Clusters CELTIC-NEXT, EURIPIDES²-PENTA, EUROGIA, and ITEA3, have identified a common cross domain interest in developing, adapting and utilising emerging Artificial Intelligence within and across their focus areas. These Clusters, together with a number of Eureka Public Authorities, are now launching a Call for innovative projects in the area of AI or Artificial Intelligence.
Open call
The Eureka Clusters AI Call is specifically designed to stimulate activity in AI, through the creation of trans-national collaborative projects in applications that will support economic growth and benefit society as a whole.
- Participation is extended to Luxembourg companies who can form a consortium with at least one other (for profit) independent company from another of the participating countries and who match the eligibility criteria outlined below. Eligible companies need to submit applied research and innovation project proposals in the field of Artificial Intelligence highlighting the economic and societal benefits to be obtained (where relevant) in the project proposal.
Find more on the Eureka Clusters AI Call Portal.
Latest Proposal Submission Date: 15 June 2020
Project Evaluation, Labelling & National Funding Decisions: June 2020-January 2021
Project Start: from December 2020
Participating Countries
Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Turkey, Spain, Singapore (Non Eureka member), Sweden, South Korea
Eligibility criterias
- The consortium should include at least two companies from different Eureka participating countries. The participation of research institutes/universities is welcome according to each country’s funding regulations.
- The project partners must express their willingness to cooperate, on a win-win/fair basis in the development of a new product, industrial process Industry standard or service.
- The product, process or service must be innovative and there must be a technological risk involved.
- The project should benefit all involved partners in a well-balanced consortium. SME’s are explicitly encouraged to participate in the proposals.
- The project should generate an obvious advantage and added value resulting from the technologic cooperation between the participants (new technologies, standardisation, prototyping, field trials, new or improves products, increased knowledge, access to R&D infrastructure etc.).
- Economic and Societal benefits to be obtained (where relevant) must be highlighted in the project proposal.
- A project consortium or cooperation agreement (PCA) must be signed between the project partners as soon as possible after the project starts. PCA templates are available for use if required.
More information on the call and project submission here.
How can we help?
Luxinnovation promotes the initiative and provides tailor-made advice to all Luxembourg-based companies wishing to carry out a EUREKA project. Discover more.
If you have a concrete project idea or have identified a project partner, please get in touch with us four weeks before the deadline. Please contact alexander.link@luxinnovation.lu for more information and assistance with your application. We would love to help you get started.