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From 03/12/2019 to 04/12/2019

Palacio de Ferias y Congresos de Málaga - FYCMA
Malaga (Spain)

The event is co-organised by the European Commission – JRC, Junta de Andalusia and the Enterprise Europe Network. It is composed of four different parts:

  • 2019 Autumn Working Committee Meeting (3 December 2019)
  • Exploring synergies between Digital Innovation Hubs and Agri-food Partnerships (4 December 2019)
  • Field visit (4 December 2019) organised by EEN
  • B2B event (3-4 December 2019) organised by EEN

The objective of the first day is to showcase activities related to exploration, exploitation and deployment of digital services and technologies in agri-food. How important new technologies are and how private and public actors go about their mapping and use? Focus will be also on specific technologies (not yet) used, market needs and matching demand with offer. Significant space will be given to companies that will pitch successful uptake of technologies by agri-food sector, possible technological solutions for agri-food or promising new emerging technologies for agri-food.

The second day will focus on Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs).  Between three and five Digital Innovation Hubs will present their overall and specific strategies and activities addressed to help the digitisation of agri-food industries and businesses in their own regions and beyond borders. The DIHs presentations will be followed by roundtable discussions on challenges related to agri-food digitisation.

In addition, a B2B event will be organised by the Andalusian branch of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN). Short pre-scheduled meetings will take place simultaneously to the main event. In the afternoon of the second day field trip(s) are organised. B2B aims at the companies (SMEs, large companies, start-ups,…), entrepreneurs, research organisations and public administrations active in research and technology on the following areas:

  • Automation and robotics
  • Artificial Intelligence and predictive systems in agri-food
  • Autonomous vehicles
  • Big data
  • Food safety
  • Agri-food blockchain
  • Logistic chain
  • Cybersacurity in the agri-food chain
  • Open data
  • Sensorization
  • Food traceability

Participation at this event is free of charge.

Please note that this event has a limited capacity so places will be available on a first come, first served basis. Preference will be given to S3P Agri-food members and business sector.


The 2019 EU Agricultural Outlook conference - Sustainability from farm to forkFrom 10/12/2019 to 11/12/2019

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