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Luxinnovation European R&D and Innovation support team is pleased to invite you to the first webinars of their Horizon Europe webinar series.

This webinar will focus on straightforward funding opportunities under Horizon Europe, with a focus on researchers that are new to the European funding programmes.

The webinar series aim to bringing you advanced knowledge on the different thematic covered by the research and innovation funding programme Horizon Europe.

The webinars are open to Luxembourg stakeholders, including but not only:

  • Researchers and research group
  • Industries
  • SMEs
  • Citizen association
  • NGOs

Each webinar will be held online and last 60 minutes, with Q&A. Webinars will be recorded, and the recording will be available on our website.

Replay Horizon Europe: Towards a circular and bioeconomy02/02/2021

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Webinar Horizon Europe - Data based economy04/02/2021

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