Selection day of the start-ups for Fit 4 Start #7
Are you ready ? It’s time for a day full of heavy pitching, inspiring start-up ideas and innovative projects! The most promising applicants of the Fit 4 Start Autumn 2018 call will pitch their start-up businesses and compete for a place on the programme. As a premier this year, there will be a second stage with pitches of health tech start-ups. At the end of the day, the Jury will select and announce the next 15 participants of Fit 4 Start #7.
Graduation night of Fit 4 Start #6
The ICT start-ups of Fit 4 Start #6 went through four months of intensive coaching, being challenged every day by lean start-up experts. Developing a MVP, conducting a customer discovery and testing their product-market-fit are just some of the lessons the start-ups learned during the acceleration programme. Successful graduates will present their start-ups’ progress and receive their Fit 4 Start diploma. Come and celebrate with them and the Luxembourg start-up community!
Keynote speaker Christian Jung, VC Wellington Partners will share his expertise with the audience about ““Digitalisation in healthcare: an investor’s perspective”.
Christian obtained his MSc degree in Molecular Biotechnology from the Technical University of Munich and was awarded a PhD with distinction in Medical Science and Technology from the Technical University of Munich for his work on patient-specific induced pluripotent stem cells. The key articles generated in the context of his PhD were published in the New England Journal of Medicine, EMBO Molecular Medicine and FASEB Journal and have so far been cited more than 1000 times. In 2013, the thesis was recognized with the “Outstanding PhD thesis award” by the Luxembourg National Research Fund. During the course of his PhD, Christian was supporting the Life Science Team of Atlas Venture in Munich.
Prior to joining Wellington, Christian was a Senior Investment Manager with High-Tech Gründerfonds, the largest german seed investor with 886 Mio. € under management, where he completed and led the early-stage investments in coramaze technologies, WISEneuro, Amal Therapeutics, CuneSoft, PS Biotech, perora, Senostic, Rigontec and Dolosys. Christian was serving as a Board Director at coramaze technologies, as well as a Board Observer at Amal Therapeutics, WISEneuro and Rigontec (acquired by MSD).