The Enterprise Europe Network in partnership with Enterprise Ireland along with the Spanish, Portuguese, British and N. Ireland Horizon 2020 National Contract Points (NCPs) invites you to participate in an international partnering event on ICT, Advanced Materials and Manufacturing taking place Thursday 4th July @ Radisson Blu Royal Hotel, Golden Lane, Dublin 8.
This is a FREE one-day event that will introduce the calls for proposals under Horizon2020, present insights and expectations from the European Commission whilst offering a unique international networking experience to forge winning partnerships of the future.
The programme will include presentations from the
- European Commission,
- National Contact Points,
- CEO of the Irish Manufacturing Research Centre (IMR)
- Will provide a unique opportunity to pitch ideas and expertise in front of leading research organisations and cutting-edge innovators from across industry.
- The brokerage event will allow you to extend your international network and create strategic partnerships through scheduled one-to-one meetings.
- Participants will also have the opportunity to meet with National Contact Point experts, and the Enterprise Europe Network.
The event is open to HPSUs, SMEs, larger companies and research organisation based in Ireland and across Europe.