During the day the EC representatives will present the details of the calls for proposals, euRobotics will provide additional information, including presentations on the existing Digital Innovation Hubs, and the proposers will have the possibility to present their project ideas or expertise to the audience, offering them an excellent networking opportunity to complement their consortium, or to join a consortium.
Registration is free of charge, but mandatory to get access to the venue.
Please have a look at the programme.
The following calls are expected to open on 19 November 2019:
ICT-46-2020: Robotics in Application Areas and Coordination & Support
- Research and Innovation Actions (RIA) – Robotics Core Technology
- Innovation Actions (IA) – Robotics for agri-food, and agile production
- Coordination and Support Action (CSA) – Robotics
ICT-47-2020: Research and Innovation boosting promising robotics applications
ICT-49-2020: Artificial Intelligence on demand platform
DT-ICT-12-2020: AI for the smart hospital of the future
The deadline to submit proposals to these calls is 22 April 2020.