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10:00 - 16:30

Learning Centre (Belval)
4362 Esch-sur-Alzette (Luxembourg)

Health-care professionals, patients, families, community leaders, and policy makers all struggle to understand the interactions between health and behaviour, and how to use that knowledge to improve the health status of individuals and populations. Health and behaviour are related in myriad ways, yet those interactions are neither simple nor straightforward.

On the 07.11.2018, the Health and Behaviour Conference will take place at the Luxembourg Learning Centre Conference Hall. This will include presentations by INSIDE Professors Claus VögeleConchita D’AmbrosioJoël BillieuxFernand Anton and Georges Steffgen, as well as a Keynote by Professor Andrew Steptoe from the University College London. Two guided poster sessions are also organised, which will be an opportunity for INSIDE members to present their research.

The detailed programme of this conference can be downloaded here.

We welcome fellow academics, stakeholders, patients, health professionals and policy makers for a full day of presentations about cutting-edge research on health and behaviour.


Greater Region Plastic Conference04/12/2018

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"Mir paken Holz un"13/11/2018

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