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Four Seasons Hotel
Seoul (South Korea)

Luxembourg offers a wide range of opportunities to companies that are part of the data-driven digital economy. 

Luxembourg is home to a competitive data-driven economy, and the recent national strategy for data-driven innovation confirms the government’s ambition to remain a pioneer in digital innovation. Initiatives on high-performance computing (HPC) and big data have resulted in Luxembourg being designated as host of the EU’s future EuroHPC agency, and the country has set up first the European partnership on artificial intelligence (AI) with global AI leader NVIDIA.

Luxembourg is a renowned centre of excellence in cybersecurity and data protection with very high quality digital infrastructure including excellent international connectivity and state-of-the-art high-end data centres. Its legal framework adapted to suit the needs of companies that have data as their most valued asset.

Luxembourg offers significant opportunities to companies that base their activities on collecting, storing, analysing, processing and creatively using data to enable new products, services or business model innovation. In this seminar, industry experts will give you further insights in how companies can benefit from the country’s digital strengths.


Introductions by: Ms. Younhee Kim, Executive Director Luxembourg Trade and Invest Office, Seoul

9:00 |   Registration and coffee

9:30 |  Opening Speech by Mr. Etienne Schneider, Deputy Prime Minister of Luxembourg

9:40 |  Speech by Mr. Carlo Thelen, Director General of the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce and projection of video

9:50 |  Speech by Mr. Jundong KIM, Executive Vice Chairman of the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry 

10:00 | Introduction

Moderator:  Mr. David Foy, Head of Sector Development, Digital Economy, Luxinnovation

  • Luxembourg, a Trusted and Sustainable Data Driven Economy in the heart of Europe
    Mr. Mario Grotz, Director General for Research, Intellectual Property and New Technologies, Ministry of the Economy Luxembourg

10:10  | Session 1 – High Performance Computing (HPC)

Implementing a trusted HPC ecosystem

  • Upcoming Supercomputing Challenges in Europe, a Modular Approach
    Prof. Pascal Bouvry, Professor of Computer Science, University of Luxembourg
  • Deep Learning in the Perspective of Heterogeneous Computing
    Prof. Jaejin LEE, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul National University
  • LuxConnect and MeluXina, the perfect combination
    Mr. Roger Lampach, CEO, Luxconnect

10:40 | Coffee Break and Networking     

10:55 |  Session 2 – Digital Supply Chain

Unlocking the power of data in Logistics and supply chain management

  • Driving digitalisation in the air cargo industry
    Mr. Lucas Fernandez, Head of Innovation, Champ Cargosystems
  • Unlocking global procurement value through digitalisation
    Mr. Reinhard Plaza-Bartsch, Head of SCM Development & Operations, Vodafone
  • Sharing the digital evolution of Korean companies’ supply chain
    Dr. Seunghan (Scott) KIM, President, PoteNit
  • Powering supply chains via satellite
    Mr. Crispian Wong, Corporate Development Manager (Asia) at SES

11:35 |  Session 3 – Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity at the service of the data driven economy

Panel discussion moderated by Mr. Steve Clement, Senior Security Analyst,  CIRCL

  • Mr. Jungmin Kang, Manager, Principal Researcher/Ph. D., National Security Research Institute
  • Mr. Abel Ourdane, Head of Cybersecurity, POST Luxembourg
  • Mr. Gaëtan Pradel, Cryptography and IT Security Officer, InCERT
  • Mr. Jaeson YOO, Chief Evangelist, Penta Security
  • Mr. Povilas Zinys, Head of Product Strategy, LuxTrust S.A.

12:20 | End of the Seminar

12:30 | Networking Lunch


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