This international information-day event will highlight research topics covered within the 2019 calls for proposals in Societal Challenge 6 Europe in a changing world – inclusive, innovative and reflective Societies of Horizon 2020. Participants will have the possibility to join in a matchmaking event dedicated to the topics of the 2019 Societal Challenge 6 call for proposals. The matchmaking event will give participants the opportunity to join pre-arranged meetings with other participants in order to identify possible collaborators and to facilitate the setup of Horizon 2020 project consortia.
Coordinators actively looking for project partners, can present their project during a flash presentation session.
The matchmaking session will be preceded by an information session, which will focus on the policy context, funding opportunities and the open call for proposals. This info session will bring valuable insights for your proposal preparation, adding important background information to compliment the bilateral meetings in the afternoon part of the event.
- 2019 calls for proposals in Societal Challenge 6 of Horizon 2020
- Current developments and policy context for the calls
- Expected impact of the projects related to international cooperation
- International Cooperation (INCO) in Horizon 2020
- Fast and fruitful pre-arranged meetings to foster effective international networking and to facilitate the setup of Horizon 2020 project consortia
H2020 driven events
- Present, discuss and develop new project ideas at international level
- Get the latest information from the European Commission
- Acquire new cross-border contacts and initiate collaborations
- Facilitate the setup of quality partnerships in view of the open Horizon 2020 calls
The event is free of charge but limited to 2 persons representing the same department/organization. Registration will open on the 2 September.
This event is jointly organised by the European Commission DG Research & Innovation Unit for Open and Inclusive Societies and Net4Society, the international network of National Contact Points for the Societal Challenge 6 in Horizon 2020.