The Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB) of the University of Luxembourg, through the H2020 TWINNING project: CENTRE-PD, is organising the “CENTRE-PD Innovation Workshop on Neurodegeneration – From bench to bedside”, which will take place on the 5th of February, 2019 at the Hotel Légère in Munsbach, Luxembourg.
The workshop provides a unique opportunity for academics and industry partners to network and discuss innovations in translational medicine. It focuses on innovative ideas, technologies and techniques in fundamental and clinical research as well as patient care in Neurodegenerative diseases. The workshop is open to researchers and clinicians from academia, research institutions, hospitals and biobanks. The day will include symposium lectures from academic researchers and industry partners as well as networking opportunities.
The programme of the event is available here.
For registration questions, please contact Sophie Wagner (sophie.wagner [at], LCSB Communications Team.
For all other correspondence, please contact Dr. Francesca Borrelli (francesca.borrelli [at], CENTRE-PD project manager.