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15, IHK Akademie Nuremberg, Walter-Braun-Straße
90489 Nuremberg (Germany)

The Integrated Plant Engineering Conference (IPEC) will take place on 11th of March 2020 for the 6th time in Nuremberg with focus on “Cognitive Engineering & Production”.

Conference programme

The conference serves the exchange of experiences and ideas between suppliers and users over the entire plant life cycle. In addition to a keynote on “Start up challenge experience from Silicon Valley to London”, we will gather insights into the digital experiences of our partner countries Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, Estonia, and others.

Artificial intelligence, machine vision and intelligent products and platforms are further core topics of the conference. Due to the international orientation of the event,the conference language will be English.

Bilateral Meetings

In the course of IPEC 2020, the Enterprise Europe Network is organizing international bilateral meetings. In order to allow targeted contacting, conference participants are invited to register with short participant profiles that are published online.

By registering for the bilateral meetings, participants can request meetings and increase their visibility to other attendees. A list of all participants that are registered for the bilateral meetings can be found here.

A Pre-Event For international guests will be organized at the Fraunhofer IIS/ SCS ADA Center on the 10th of March 2020 and an International Round Table of Innovations for Swedish guests on the 12th of March 2020.


The event is organized by the IHK Nürnberg for Mittelfranken c/o Automation Valley Nordbayern with technical expertise of the VDI Bayern Nordost & VDE Nordbayern and supported by further partners and exhibitors. The international bilateral meetings will be organized by the Enterprise Europe Network during the conference breaks.


BIOKET 2020From 10/03/2020 to 12/03/2020

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