The Horizon 2020 Green Deal Call will support the EU Green Deal, which is the new growth strategy for Europe announced end of 2019 by the European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen. EU Green deal aims for a “just transition” to a clean and circular economy, with the ultimate aim of making EU carbon neutral by 2050.
The Horizon 2020 Green Deal call aims to stimulate multi-stakeholder and multidisciplinary collaborative projects on themes such as energy, circular economy, farm-to-fork, biodiversity and ecosystems, climate action, toxic free environment, empowering citizens. The Green Deal call will be published soon and it presents the last opportunity under the current R&I framework programme, Horizon Europe.
We are organising an info webinar to provide Luxembourg companies, researchers and all other stakeholders with information about the Green Deal Call. The purpose of the webinar is to briefly present the general expectations and rules of the call, and give overview of the call topics as well as tips and hints on how to proceed in case of interest.