View a recording of our webinar
9.30 h - 11.00 h CET, Romanian time 10.30 h - 12.00 h
(via Zoom)
Watch the recording of the webinar
David Foy – Head of International Business Development, Digital Economy, Luxinnovation
Email: david.foy@luxinnovation.lu
Razvan Radu – Romania Luxembourg Business Forum (ROMLUX)
Email: razvan.radu@romlux.org
Luxembourg offers a wide range of opportunities to companies that are part of the data-driven digital economy
Luxembourg is a renowned centre of excellence in cybersecurity and data protection with very high quality digital infrastructure including excellent international connectivity and state-of-the-art high-end data centres. Its regulatory framework is adapted to suit the needs of companies that have data as their most valued asset.
Luxembourg offers significant opportunities to companies, startups and experts that base their activities on collecting, storing, analysing, processing and creatively using data to enable new products, services or business model innovation. In this webinar, industry experts will give you further insights into how companies can benefit from the country’s digital strengths to expand their business and expertise in Western Europe and beyond.
Agenda of the webinar which took place on 16 February 2021
09.30 Welcoming words
Mrs. Cindy Tereba, Director International Affairs, Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce
Mr. Paul Steinmetz, Ambassador of Luxembourg to Romania
09:40 Introduction to ICT in Luxembourg
Mr. David Foy, Head of International Business Development - Digital Economy, Luxinnovation
10:00 Company Testimonial
Mr. Casius Morea, CEO, emailtree.ai
10:15 EDIH – stay connected via the European Digital Innovation Hub
Mr. Arnaud Lambert, Director Luxembourg Digital Innovation Hub, Luxinnovation
10:30 Cybersecurity made in Luxembourg (ecosystem and reach)
Mr. François Thill, Director Cyber Security & Digital Technologies, Luxembourg Ministry of Economy
10:45 Q&A
10:50 BEROCC & RomLux Presentations
Mr. Alain Schodts, Executive Director, Belgian-Luxembourg Romania Moldova Chamber of Commerce
Mr. Razvan-Petru Radu, President, RomLux Asbl
10:55 Direct Flight Connection from Luxembourg to Romania
Mr. Vincenzo Manzella, VP & Marketing Director, Luxair Group
11:00 Closing Speech
Mr. Mihai Ferariu, Honorary Consul of Luxembourg in Bucharest
End of event
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