Part 1: Fellowships for postdocs (IF) 13:45-16:00
Basic information, support services & best practices for grant writing
Part 2: Get to know the Marie Curie Alumni Association (all MSCA) 16:00-18:30
A global network of MSCA researchers – followed by Networking drinks
Where: Campus Belval, Maison des Sciences Humaines, Room: Blackbox, Floor 0
Who: MSCA IF candidates*, current MSCA ITN & IF fellows, Principal investigators, research facilitators
*IF candidates from all national host institutes (public and private)
Part 1: Fellowships for postdocs (IF)
The Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions are prestigious, bottom-up fellowships for postdocs and principal investigators. They provide funding for 12-24 months (up to 36 months for global fellowships) and aim to support the mobility and increase the employability of researchers in Europe. The next deadline is beginning of September 2019. Candidates cannot have lived and/or worked for more than 12 months in Luxembourg, in the three years preceding the deadline of the call. The fellowship includes the candidate’s salary, a family allowance if applicable, and research, training and management costs that will be paid to the host institute. The projects commonly include a secondment phase where the candidate can get further cross-sectoral experience, for example from academia to industry or vice-versa. A major aim of the MSCA fellowships is to increase the training and employability of the fellows. The MSCA fellowships are competitive, but candidates in Luxembourg are also eligible for the Widening fellowships, thus increasing their chance of success.
The workshop will give a detailed overview of the MSCA IF programmes and criteria, as well as offer training on MSCA IF grant writing (especially the non-scientific parts on project management, dissemination and impact) as well as the support services that Luxinnovation offers to the candidates and their Luxembourgish host institute (e.g. candidate head hunting, proposal reviewing, coaching etc). The projects will be written jointly by the candidates and their Luxembourgish host.
Part 2: Get to know the Marie Curie Alumni Association (all MSCA)
This year, we also collaborate with the BeNeLux chapter of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie alumni association (MSCAA). From 16:15-17:00, they will present their support services to current and future MSCA fellows, including PhD students currently involved in MSCA ITN projects. From 17:00 – 18:00, the MSCAA is sponsoring a social drink to discuss further questions and network with your peers.
13:45 | Arrival & Registration
14:00 | Introduction Part 1
14:15 | Overview MSCA IF actions – eligibility, options, panels
15:00 | MSCA IF Grant writing
16:00 | Coffee break & Introduction Part 2
16:30 | MSCA Alumni Association – Support for current MSCA PhD and Postdoc fellows
17:30 | Networking drink
Please register by sending a mail to Charles Betz before 31 May.
Places are limited and registrations are first come first served. Priority will be given to fellows pursuing their project inside Luxembourg. Please be kind and cancel if you’ve registered and something comes up.