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11.00 - 12.00 h CET


How EUROSTARS funding can help SMEs

EUREKA EUROSTARS supports collaborative projects in any area with special focus on projects led by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Eurostars is perfect for SME driven R&D projects in the areas of IT, biotech, industrial manufacturing to name just a few. It requires at least two participants (among whom at least one SME) from two different countries

The next call for Eurostars funding closes on 13th February 2020.  Please join our webinar on 21st January 2020 from 11.00 – 12.00 CET to learn more about how Eurostars funding can help your business grow and prosper.

What is the EUREKA Network?

The EUREKA network connects businesses to the partners, customers and investors that can help them turn ideas into commercially successful products and services facilitating business growth.

EUREKA is the largest global network of R&D&I funding involving ministries and innovation agencies from over 45 countries and also the European Commission. The network members coordinate their public funding to support their businesses to prosper and thrive through collaborative transnational research and innovation projects.

How can we help?

For Luxembourg based companies Luxinnovation promotes the initiative and provides tailor-made advice to all Luxembourg-based companies and research institutes wishing to carry out a EUREKA project. Discover more.

If you have a concrete project idea or have identified a project partner, please get in touch with us four weeks before the deadline.  Please contact alexander.link@luxinnovation.lu for more information and assistance with your application.  We would love to help you get started.


Watch our video to learn more about the EUROSTARS programme.

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