The participants of the workshop “Next Generation Internet of Things” organized by the European Commission will discuss research and innovation actions as well as possible policy measures to be taken at EU level. The workshop addresses researchers, industry, application developers and start-ups.
Internet of Things (IoT) technologies and applications are bringing fundamental changes to all sectors of society and economy and constitute an essential element of the Next Generation Internet (NGI). IoT technologies and applications are changing the way users, services and applications interact with the real world environment in a trusted way. The European Commission supports the future research and innovation of IoT technologies and applications, and therefore intends to discuss:
- technologies
- market drivers
- main challenges in the area
These factors are bringing fundamental changes to all sectors of society and economy and constitute an essential element of the NGI.
About the workshop
The workshop should discuss novel IoT concepts and solutions to underpin the NGI vision and make provision for predicting future events, trigger actions and moving decisions to the point of interest in order to better serve the end-user. Participants should think of possible use cases with advanced needs in areas such as:
- wearables
- transportation
- agriculture
- homes
- health
- energy
- manufacturing
The workshop should reflect on key elements for drafting a roadmap for next generation IoT, which is supported by the Coordination and Support Action (CSA) NGIoT.
The European Commission will support a first set of projects under the NGI umbrella through the call ICT-56-2020 Next Generation Internet of Things. This call has been opened on 9 July 2019 and it will close on 16 January 2020. During the afternoon, a special session will give an opportunity to the participants to present their possible ideas. One session will be also organised by the IDEALIST in order to support match-making of the consortia.