The consortium PowderReg, working on powder processes and formulation, is glad to officially invite you to our workshop on “Characterization of cohesive powders: from fundamentals to applications“.
The meeting will take place on the 23th of January at the University of Luxembourg.
The main objective of this course will be to provide a rapid overview of the knowledge on cohesive powders, showing how this knowledge may help you improve your industrial processes involving powders.
Programme PowderReg:
- Interaction between the grains (G. Lumay – University of Liège)
- Development of a new humidity controlled cell for the rheological determination of cohesive powders stickiness (P. Marchal – D. C. Florez Parra – University of Lorraine)
- Resolved Analysis of Powder Behaviour with the Extended Discrete Element Method (XDEM) (B. Peters – F. Qi – University of Luxembourg)
- Powder processing at large scale (R. Hesse – University of Kaiserslautern)
- Links between powder surface and functional properties (C. Gaiani – University of Lorraine)
- Understanding interation between grains by rheological measurements with the tube rheometer (J. Fiscina – University of Saarland)
After the workshop, participants will be given the opportunity to discuss about their industrial processes’ problems during the usual Committee for Innovation and Impact.
For more details on our project, please visit our PowderReg website.
The workshop will take place at the Campus Belval, in the “Black Box” room (inside the Maison de Sciences Humaines).
For organizational reasons, we kindly ask you to confirm your participation within Monday the 20th of January by mail to