Horizon Europe is the European flagship programme to support research and innovation all the way from fundamental research to market uptake. The programme aims at strengthening the scientific and technological base of EU economies in order to help tackle major global challenges and contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The programme is open to, including but not only, researchers and research groups, industries, SMEs, Citizen associations, NGOs.
The emphasis of the Horizon Europe programme is to achieve the green and digital transition of the European Union economies while setting Europe on paths towards its climate goals: cutting the greenhouse gas emissions with 55% by 2030 and reaching climate neutrality by 2050.
Luxinnovation, National Contact Point for Horizon Europe, is organising a series of webinars to inform Luxembourg stakeholders on new funding opportunities. The webinar “Tackling climate changes and environmental challenges” will introduce participants to the climate and environment part of the programme and give them the keys for a successful participation in Horizon Europe.
Horizon Europe will support transformative change of the EU economy and society, in order to reduce environmental degradation, halting and reversing the decline of biodiversity and to better manage natural resources while serving the EU’s climate objectives.
More information : ncp.horizoneurope@luxinnovation.lu
The webinar series aim to bringing you advanced knowledge on the different thematic covered by the research and innovation funding programme Horizon Europe.