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14h - 18h

9, IHK-Saarland, Franz-Josef-Röder-Str.
66119 Saarbrücken (Germany)


TISAX is the new standard for information security in the automotive industry and the answer to the ever-growing need for security with regard to confidential and sensitive information. It is essential to establish a high level of security, especially in complex network structures and in customer relationships between OEMs, service providers and suppliers who exchange sensitive data.

Since 2018, the TISAX process has played an important role. It is already a standard in many places and will become the standard in all companies in the automotive industry (manufacturers, suppliers, subcontractors etc.) in the future.

Together with our cooperation partners, the Saarland Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) and the Audimus Saar Consulting, we will focus on  this topic at the TISAX specialist information day in order to provide you with information on all aspects of information security in the automotive industry.

We warmly invite you to the TISAX Technical Information Day on Thursday, 19 March 2020, at 14.00 hrs, in the IHK-Saarland, Franz-Josef-Röder-Str. 9, 66119 Saarbrücken.

Talk to our experts to get tips for the practical implementation of the certification!

More information on the programme here.

Please register by March 16th by e-mail: info@autoregion.eu or by fax to 0681-94 888 61


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