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Creative minds have always been at the forefront of problem solving and their strength lies within their pioneering spirit and professional expertise. It therefore does not come as a surprise that the current pandemic has prompted creatives, around the world, to come up with solutions in responding to various urgent needs at an accelerated pace.

Whilst Creative Industries have been hailed as the fasting growing economic sector of the future, we ask international experts if the sanitarian crisis, and its ensuing economic crisis, keeps this progression on track or if this forecast has been hampered by current events.

Episode 3 concludes our 3 part webinar series and explores where the creative industries are heading to. We ask experts from (literally) across the globe, how creatives have braced themselves for this pandemic and what is to be expected from them when the “new normal” kicks in.


  •  18h00-18h05 : Introduction and moderation – Marc Lis, Cluster Manager – Creative Industries, Luxinnovation
  •  Speaker 1: Martin Charter, Professor of Innovation and Sustainability/ Senior Associate, Business for the Creative Industries – University for teh Creative Arts (UCA)
  •  Speaker 2: Jürgen Enninger, Head of the excellence team to promote the culture and creative industries in Munich – City of Munich 
  •  Speaker 3: Christophe Billebaud, Co-Executive Director, Programs and Innovation – La Piscine
  • 18h35-18h45: Q&A

Watch the replay now!

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