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The Luxembourg government recently launched its national strategy for promoting data-driven innovation. Cybersecurity is a key component in the country’s efforts to promote all aspects of digitalisation and develop into a data economy. It already disposes of a solid foundation in the field. In 2018, Luxembourg ranked 11th in the Global Cybersecurity Index. It is home to the world’s first data embassy opened by Estonia, and future developments are guided by the national cybersecurity strategy for 2018-2020. It is therefore not surprising that the recent sector mapping portrays a dynamic and growing ecosystem.

Covering the entire value chain

304 Luxembourg companies, offering at least one cybersecurity service or solution, were identified in the mapping. This number covers both highly specialised service providers and companies such as IT consultants, lawyers and insurance firms whose service offering includes a cybersecurity aspect.

Cybersecurity mapping: ecosystem overview

Companies offer a diversified solutions portfolio, including solutions for each stage of the cyber-risk management value chain. The main focus is on risk identification and system protection. The seven types of most frequently offered services, which represent 60% of the national market, are governance, risk and compliance; identity and access management; data security; asset management; penetration testing; backup and storage; and awareness and training.

Cybersecurity mapping: most offered services

Cybersecurity as a core business

Almost one-fourth of the mapped companies have cybersecurity as their core business. “These companies have on average 13 employees and employ a total of almost 1,000 people, which shows their importance in the ecosystem,” said Sasha Baillie, CEO of Luxinnovation.

Around 20% of the companies in the ecosystem are start-ups, created less than 5 years ago. 24 of the start-ups have cybersecurity as their core business. Their focus is mainly on identity and access management; governance, risk and compliance; and encryption. 57% of the start-ups are or have been hosted by a Luxembourg incubator.

New expertise welcome

“The positive development of the national cybersecurity ecosystem allows Luxembourg to fully benefit from the opportunities offered by digitalisation, while also responding to the risks brought by a constantly increasing connectivity,” said Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Economy Étienne Schneider when commenting on the mapping. “The efforts made in the past to be better protected against cyberattacks have made it possible to position Luxembourg as a ‘safe haven’ at the international level and turn cybersecurity into an economic attractiveness factor for the country.”

The efforts made to have a better protection against cyberattacks have made it possible to position Luxembourg as a ‘safe haven’ at the international level.

The mapping was produced by Luxinnovation, the national innovation agency, in close collaboration with the national platform SECURITYMADEIN.LU. “We obviously know the main cybersecurity companies in Luxembourg well. However, SECURITYMADEIN.LU needed a better overview of the whole ecosystem, also including those who have cybersecurity as a side activity,” says Sara Bouchon, who heads Luxinnovation’s market intelligence team. The results also allow Luxinnovation to hone its service offering, notably in the context of the Luxembourg ICT Cluster and the Digital Innovation Hub.

In addition, the mapping provides an insight into the cybersecurity skills that still have the potential to be further developed in the Luxembourg ecosystem. Important information for a country that is keen both to stimulate the development of indigenous companies and to welcome expertise from abroad.

Photo: © SECURITYMADEIN.LU/Olivier Dessy; Illustrations: © Luxinnovation

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