Ms Kipper, what is the goal of the new Fit 4 Sustainability programme?
Emmanuelle Kipper: “Fit 4 Sustainability was launched to enable companies of all sizes to measure the environmental impact of their activity and reduce its effects. The aim is to promote the crucial ecological transition by providing companies with the necessary external expertise.”
Concretely, what does the programme include?
“An external expert chosen by the company from among the accredited consultants will draw up a complete assessment of the environmental impact in one of the chosen themes: energy performance or carbon footprint, use of raw materials, or waste or waste management. This assessment is supplemented by a detailed and action plan with cost estimates including priorities, ease of implementation, costs, etc. This study is co-financed by the Ministry of the Economy (50 to 70% depending on the size of the company).”
The aim is to promote the crucial ecological transition by providing companies with the necessary external expertise.
Who is Fit 4 Sustainability for?
“The programme targets all Luxembourg companies, without restriction related to the size or the nature of their activity. For small and medium-sized businesses with more specific and concretely identified needs, the House of Entrepreneurship offers a ‘Sustainability Packages’ system that give access to vouchers issued by the Directorate for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises of the Ministry of the Economy.”
How is the programme implemented?
“We have called on experts in each of the areas explored – energy, water, circularity – to carry out part of the environmental studies and propose action plans. The roadmaps developed can include good practices as well as investments for which we will identify the aid available.”
Photo credit: Luxinnovation/Marion Dessard