Supporting companies in their efforts to reduce their carbon footprint and transition to renewable energy sources: this is the objective of the Klimapakt fir Betriber, a government initiative implemented by Klima-Agence and Luxinnovation. Minister of the Economy Franz Fayot, Minister for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Lex Delles, Minister for Energy Claude Turmes and Minister for the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development Joëlle Welfring participated in a round table discussion about the initiative during the launch conference on 10 January.
The event included a keynote presentation by Stefan Eggimann, in charge of EnaW KMU-Modell, who spoke about the decarbonisation of companies in Switzerland. Luxinnovation CEO Sasha Baillie and Klima-Agence Director Fenn Faber spoke about the added value of the Klimapakt for companies and the support provided by the two agencies.
Klimapakt fir Betriber: practical support
Several companies also shared their experiences of benefitting from the SME Packages – Sustainability, the Fit 4 Sustainability programme and the support offered by Klima-Agence with adopting photovoltaic energy generation and electromobility. Dedicated thematic sessions focused on:
- The simplified guide to aid for environmental protection
- The use of photovoltaics by companies
- SME Packages and Fit 4 Sustainability
- Sustainability good practice
- Electric mobility
Photos: © Luxinnovation/Sophie Margue