According to the latest edition of the “Luxembourg Business Compass”, an annual report published by KPMG since 2009, Luxembourg’s business leaders are very optimistic about the economy, with an all-time high level of 2.3 (on our -5 to +5 scale) since the inception of the LBC back in 2009. In this respect, Luxembourg’s business leaders are aligned with a recent KPMG worldwide CEO Survey in terms of overall optimism. Interestingly however, while in Luxembourg optimism has increased since last year, the opposite tendency is observed at the international level.
The optimism about Luxembourg’s economy translates directly to the individual company level, where increases are foreseen for the next 6 months on all indicators: turnover (+5.2%), profitability (+4.3%), recruitments (+2.7%) and investments (+6.3%). In relation to investments, areas of particular focus are IT and digitalization as well as new products and services.