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From 22/02/2022 to 24/02/2022


Hamburg (Germany)

The Additive Manufacturing for Aerospace & Space conference is returning for its eighth edition. In recent years it has firmly established itself as the premier forum for AM users, R&D experts, and industry partners within the aerospace and space industry. We are delighted to host this conference in person once again in Germany.
AM for Aerospace and Space is the leading conference platform for ensuring opportunities in high value manufacturing are secured to ensure that the aerospace & space industry is prepared to confront the challenges of wider AM adoption and development.

Over three days, we will host keynote presentationspanel discussionsroundtables and a state-of-the-art site visit to SLM Solutions’ AM facility in Lübeck to facilitate discussion and collaboration within the industry. This event will provide a platform to support opportunities in high value manufacturing, and help prepare the aerospace industry to tackle the roadblocks of wider AM adoption. It is also a unique opportunity to maintain, strengthen and build connections across the industry following this challenging period.


EDA Technology foresight workshop on space technologies – observation, reconnaissance & surveillanceFrom 31/01/2022 to 02/02/2022

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Fit 4 Start Day 202227/01/2022

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