Within the context of the Overarching Strategic Research Agenda (OSRA) toolchain, the European Defence Agency (EDA) organises a series of technology foresight workshops (TFWS) focussed on topics considered as highly relevant for future EU defence capability development. The topic of the next workshop is “Space Technologies: Observation, Reconnaissance and Surveillance”. The workshop will be held virtually from 31 January to 2 February 2022. The selection of this topic follows the feedback received from the EDA Ad-Hoc Working Group Space Defence, and also ties in with research and technology needs previously identified in various EDA Capability and Technology Areas (CapTechs). While the topic as a whole largely overlaps with the civilian domain, this workshop is exclusively dedicated to military and dual-use aspects.
Registration: Please contact acanas@isdefe.es, copy to space-tfws@eda.europa.eu, not later than 19 January 2022.