Horizon Europe, the largest investment ever made in research and innovation in the EU, offers funding targeted at accelerating the green and digital twin transitions. Join our event to discover the new funding opportunities included in the work programmes for 2023-2024 and learn from the experiences of the first successful Luxembourg applicants.
Horizon Europe has been running for two years now, and it is time to look at the first Luxembourg achievements in the programme and to get a glimpse of what is coming next.
Luxinnovation as the National Contact Point for the Horizon Europe kindly invite you to hear about the latest developments of Luxembourg Research and Innovation landscape, especially in regards Horizon Europe programme.
During the event, a panel of successful Luxembourgish participants will give ideas and examples from successful Horizon Europe projects. The panel will include success stories from the University of Luxembourg (SnT), the LIST as well as from Aristeng, a Luxembourg SME.
As the new Horizon Europe Work Programmes are expected to be published end of November, we will use the occasion to give you an overview of the new workprogramme 2023 – 2024.
A very important part of the event in the second part of the agenda – the networking. We want to provide you with an opportunity to discuss, meet and exchange. Following two years of virtual Horizon Europe events, we are looking forward to meeting you in person!
Call for rollups
In case you have an ongoing project with funding from Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe, or any other EU or national programme, please do let us know in the registration form if you wish to promote your project with a rollup during the networking cocktail.
The event will start with a welcoming address at 14.00 at Halle des Poches and the last keynote will end at 17.00, followed up with networking until 19.00.
Moderation: Ramona Caulea, European Project Administrator – Luxinnovation
- 14:00 Introduction
Sasha Baillie, CEO – Luxinnovation
- Opening address
Robert Kerger, Conseiller – Ministry of Higher Education and Research
- Horizon Europe work programme 2023 – 2024 launch
Luxembourg Horizon Europe National Contact Points
- Coffee break
- Panel: How to succeed in Horizon Europe? Successful Luxembourg applicants share their story
- Moderator: Sanna Alaranta, Advisor – European R&D & Innovation Support – Luxinnovation
- Evangelos Delikonstantis, Co-founder and managing director – Aristeng
- Sylvain Kubler, Research scientist – University of Luxembourg, SnT
- Maria Rita Palattella, Senior Researcher – LIST
- Closing words
Stefano Pozzi Mucelli, Head of European R&D & Innovation Support – Luxinnovation
- 17:00-19:00 Networking cocktail & Roll-up session