Official trade mission to South Korea in November 2022
The Luxembourg Ministry of the Economy is organising an economic mission to South Korea chaired by HRH Crown Prince Guillaume and led by the Minister of the Economy H.E. Franz Fayot from 28 November until 1 December under the umbrella of Luxembourg Trade and Invest and in the context of 60 years of diplomatic relations. The mission is organised in close coordination with the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce (accompanied by a delegation of Luxembourg companies) as well as the Luxembourg Trade & Investment Office in Seoul. The mission will take place in Seoul followed by various initiatives in Daejon, Sejong and Busan.
Bi-lateral relations South Korea / Luxembourg
South Korea and Luxembourg are strong trading partners and have much in common as pioneers of innovation and leaders in the high-tech and digital arenas. Both countries are excellent platforms for companies that are seeking to establish or intensify their business activities in Europe and North-East Asia, respectively.
In June 2022, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Republic of South Korea celebrated 60 years of diplomatic relations. The relationship has grown since then, with numerous South Korean businesses now represented in Luxembourg and vice versa.
More about the mission
During the mission, visits to Korean companies are planned, as well as a Korea-Luxembourg Business Forum focused around Smart City and Space. Luxembourg’s economic mission to South Korea offers a wide range of opportunities to meet key decision makers and make contacts with leading business representatives.
Objectives of the mission are:
- To help South Koreans discover Luxembourg;
- To present Luxembourg as a gateway to the European market and its more than 447 million inhabitants;
- To support Luxembourg companies in their internationalisation efforts;
- To promote Luxembourg’s dynamic startup ecosystem, technologies and know-how;
- To further strengthen the bilateral economic relations between Korea and Luxembourg.
Key business sector focus:
- Smart City including smart mobility
- Space
- CleanTech (combined with startups)
Korea-Luxembourg Business Forum
Korean companies are cordially invited to join our economic forum on Monday 28 November, to network with the delegation of Luxembourg companies and to learn more about Luxembourg’s data driven innovation strategy and ideal business location for expansion across the European market. Venue and programme details below.
B2B matchmaking opportunities
(13:00h -16:00 h) Venue: Four Seasons Hotel Seoul, Ara Room
Participating companies from Luxembourg look forward to learning more about business opportunities in South Korea and to seeking out partnerships including import-export of products and services, identifying suppliers and clients, as well as potentially engaging in joint-projects.
Please visit our online mission brochure to discover the profiles of the participating Luxembourg companies. Korean companies can contact us to set up one to one business meetings, organised by our Trade & Investment office in Seoul. Participating companies should check their confirmation schedule for the exact start of their sessions.
Programme Business Forum – Venue: Four Seasons Hotel Seoul, Nuri Ballroom
16:30-17:00 Registration and coffee
17:00-17:35 I. Opening session
- Welcome Remarks by H.R.H. Guillaume, the Hereditary Grand Duke of Luxembourg
- Welcome speech, Mr. Franz Fayot, Minister of the Economy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
- Welcome address by Mme. Young LEE, Minister of SMEs & Startups
- Luxembourg innovation in times of change by Mr. Carlo Thelen, Director General/CEO, Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce
- MoU Signing ceremony between Luxinnovation & KAIST GCC
- Video projection: Korea-Luxembourg 60 years
17:40 Our Economy of Tomorrow – Luxembourg’s national roadmap for a competitive and sustainable economy 2025 (Ministry of Economy).
Korean policy for the globalization of SMEs & Start-ups (Ministry of SMEs & Startups)
17:50-18:30 II. Panel Discussions
- Introduction to panel participants and subjects. Speaker/panel moderator: Jenny Hallen-Hedberg
Panel Discussions
- New businesses for smart cities, Speaker: Neil Cocker, Vodafone Tomorrow Street
- Smart City solution with satellite image, Speaker: Korean Partner, M. Sunghee LEE, CEO of Contec
- New mobility balance, Luxembourg’s view on future mobility, Speaker: Joost Ortjens
- Mobility services
Speaker: M. Sungha KIM, Director of Gbike (e-scooter)
Speaker: M. Hanbin LEE, CEO of Seoul Robotics