On November 10, the virtual workshop “Turning the wheels – Sex and gender in research on mobility” will take place. You can register for the workshop via this link
The workshop gives an overview about gender aspects in Horizon Europe, informs about EU projects on mobility research, shows good practice of taking gender aspects into account with national and other initiatives, and provides useful information for proposal-writing for mobility-related projects.
The target group for this workshop are scientists in the research area of mobility, but also persons with a multiplier role, like those advising scientists on proposal writing. No participation fee is charged. The draft agenda is now available and will be updated on this website.
Further editions in this workshop series are foreseen for 2023 and 2024, each focusing on other thematic areas with relevance to Horizon Europe. Through our newsletter (in German) and this website, we will keep you posted on the latest news on this and other issues.
This workshop is part of the series “Gender Dimension in Research” – an initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and carried out by the German National Contact Point Women in EU Research. The series highlights the role of gender in projects funded within Horizon Europe.